virtual events


join us at the next virtual event

The Breasties believe in the power of bringing everyone together, while at the same time, honoring the importance of protected spaces. 
Thanks to our incredible trauma-informed and social justice trained community hosts, we are able to provide free weekly virtual meetups that are for the community and by the community. 
Meetups are protected spaces where you can gather weekly around topics that include; stage 4 thrivers, gynecologic cancers, LGBTQ+ Breasties, newly diagnosed, active treatment, BIPOC Breasties, and more.

how to register for virtual events

To maintain the safety of the protected spaces we create at The Breasties, all virtual events will now be accessible through The Breasties App.


The Breasties App

In order to join a virtual event, please download and log in to The Breasties App


Event Details 

Head to the EVENTS tab in the navigation menu of the app. RSVP for an event and access all event details — including the Zoom link.


Zoom Joining info 

If joining directly from a phone — make sure you have the Zoom app downloaded. If joining from a computer— copy and paste the zoom link into your browser.


march virtual events calendar

all meetups are open to anyone impacted by breast or gynecologic cancer




newly navigating

Thursday 8pm ET / 5pm PT




lgbtq+ breasties

Monday 8pm ET / 5pm PT





Tuesday 8pm ET / 5pm PT





Wednesday 8pm ET / 5pm PT




bipoc breasties

Thursday 8pm ET / 5pm PT





Monday 8pm ET / 5pm PT




thrivers / stage 4

Tuesday 8pm ET / 5pm PT




gyn cancers

Wednesday 8pm ET / 5pm PT




flattie(s) breasties

Thursday 8pm ET / 5pm PT

monthly MEETUPS

LGBTQ+ Breasties

First Monday of every month

This is a Breastie meetup for those who identify as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer community.

PLEASE READ: This is a protected space for those who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Please only attend LGBTQ+ events and join the LGBTQ+ group if you identify as part of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer community.

Thrivers/Stage 4 Breasties

Last Wednesday of every month

This is a Breastie meetup for those with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis.

PLEASE READ: This is a protected space for those who identify as part of the Stage 4 cancer community. Please only attend Thriver events and join the Thrivers group if you identify as a Breastie with a stage 4 cancer diagnosis.

BIPOC Breasties

3rd Monday of every month

This is a Breastie meetup for those who identify as part of the Black, indigenous, and people of color community.

PLEASE READ: This is a protected space for those who identify as part of the BIPOC community. Please only attend BIPOC events and join the BIPOC group if you identify as part of the black, indigenous, and people of color community.

bimonthly MEETUPS

Started in April 2023

Newly Navigating Life as a Breastie

2nd Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who is new to the Breasties’ community including but not limited to: newly diagnosed Breasties, those who have recently learned of their high risk status, those who are newly caring for a loved one with cancer, or those have just learned about the Breasties’ community and its resources.

Gynecologic Cancers

3rd Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who has had a diagnosis of a gynecologic cancer including cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer, vaginal cancer, and vulvar cancer. This meetup is also open for Breasties who identify as previvors to discuss GYN-cancer specific concerns and decisions.

Breasties in Active Treatment/Surgery Prep

4th Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who is currently in active treatment for a cancer diagnosis or is preparing for/recovering from surgery!

bimonthly MEETUPS

Starting in May 2023

Sex & Intimacy

2nd Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who identifies as a Breastie, with the intention of discussing sex and intimacy.


3rd Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who has had a diagnosis of cancer. Breasties who are newly diagnosed, in active treatment, have completed active treatment, are NED or “cancer free” are all welcome.


4th Tuesday of every other month

This is a Breastie meetup for anyone who has a high risk of cancer due to genetic disposition or family history. The term Previvor is inclusive to all decisions: pursuing genetic testing, prophylactic surgery, screening as prevention, etc.


You get to RSVP for Virtual meetups and join them exclusively on The Breastie App to maintain the safety and security of our meetups. Create an account here if you haven’t already and note that you can log into the app from your browser on a Desktop computer for ease of joining the meetups, too!
We cannot wait to support you in these spaces, so get on The App and RSVP to a Virtual Meetup today!

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